About K@H Learning

A Biblical Foundation for Lifelong Learning

Kingdom@Hand Learning is an environment designed to support the educational activities of homeschool families who value a biblically-based curriculum, hands-on learning, exploration and skill development.  This journey began with a vision the Lord placed on the hearts of the founders — to establish a unique space where young disciples could encourage and “sharpen” each other. Ultimately, there is an anticipation to see each participant experience God’s love, discover their identity in Christ, and reach their full potential.

The Biblical text clearly states that God has uniquely gifted each and everyone of us, and as parents and mentors, it is our privilege to help uncover and cultivate these gifts, empowering each disciple to fulfill the unique purposes God has planned for their lives.

Answering God’s call, we founded Kingdom@Hand Learning, a branch of Royal Ministries Central Valley with the mission to guide individuals into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, affirm their identity in Him, and support their lifelong journey of discipleship and spiritual growth.

Encourage a child to follow their talents, recognizing the unique gifts each one possesses.

Integrated Homeschooling programs in the Central Valley

Homeschool students in the United States of America
Christian Private Schools in California
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Homeschool students in California
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Kingdom@Hand Learning Launched

Our Mission

Our mission is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their families, encouraging them to embrace their identity in Christ, think critically, and commit to positive change through faith-centered learning and engagement.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to cultivate a vibrant community where families are empowered to fully embrace their identity in Christ, inspiring them to live with purpose and contribute meaningfully to positive change in the world.

Head of K@H Learning Center Letter

Dear Prospective Parents, 

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the staff of Royal Ministries, we sincerely thank you for your interest in Kingdom@Hand (K@H) Learning. We recognize that choosing the right educational path for your scholar is an important decision, and we are honored to be a part of your consideration. We are committed to supporting you throughout this journey, from gathering initial information to guiding you through the admissions process should you decide to join our Christ-centered community.

At the heart of our educational philosophy is the nurturing of Christian scholars who are equipped to integrate their academic learning with their identity as believers. Our goal is to partner with parents, extending the values of the home into a Christ-centered learning environment. Through this partnership, we strive to empower each student to embrace their Kingdom identity, gain a deeper understanding of their purpose, and fulfill the unique calling God has placed on their life.

Our core beliefs, which are reflected in our statement of faith, guide all that we do. To summarize: we believe in the divine inspiration of the entire Bible; the creation of humanity by God’s direct act; the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; His identity as the Son of God; His sacrificial and vicarious atonement for the sins of all people through His death on the cross; His resurrection from the dead; His power to save mankind from sin; the new birth through the Holy Spirit; and the gift of eternal life by the grace of God.

Once again, we deeply appreciate your interest in Kingdom@Hand Learning. We consider it a privilege to partner with you in the education and spiritual growth of your child, and we look forward to the possibility of serving your family as we walk together in the journey that God has entrusted to us.

Yours for Kingdom Education,

Ivan & Lana Lopez

K@H CoFounders 
